BRI Protection Plus - Banner

BRI Protection Plus Insurance
Insurance that provides protection to BRI Visa Credit Card Holders for 24 hours if there is a risk of death either due to illness/non-accident or due to accidents and Total Permanent Disability.

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BRI Protection Plus - Why

Why Choose
BRI Protection Plus?
The sum insured varies according to needs
Affordable premiums starting from IDR 22,000 per month
Provides Accident Protection Benefits
Exclusive protection for BRI Visa Credit Card Holders
The sum insured varies according to needs
Affordable premiums starting from IDR 22,000 per month
Provides Accident Protection Benefits
Exclusive protection for BRI Visa Credit Card Holders

BRI Protection Plus - Benefit Tab

BRI Protection Plus - Manfaat

BRI Protection Plus - Syarat & Ketentuan

BRI Protection Plus - Informasi Persyaratan Klaim

BRI Protection Plus - Tertarik Dengan